
Hokudai-sai has ended.


The Office of Hokkaido University Festival Executive Committee
Person in charge of IFF

Room of Hokudaisai Office, N204 The Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education,
Hokkaido University
North 17 West 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido

E-mail:iff☆hokudaisai.com *Replace ☆ with @.

北海道大学大学祭全学実行委員会事務局 IFF担当
北海道札幌市北区北17条西8丁目 北海道大学 高等教育推進機構 N204 北大祭事務局室

Emergency Contact

Room of Hokudai-sai Office, N204,
The Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education

E-mail : iff☆hokudaisai.com (Replace ☆ with @)



 By separating the search keywords with spaces, you can search for items that contain any of the keywords.

 Click the + mark next to the booklet name to display the table of contents for that booklet. Also, click the title to view the item.

 The IFF Booklet for Preparation 2024
 The IFF Booklet for The Day 2024

PDF Documents

The IFF Booklet for Preparation 2024(日本語版はこちら
The IFF Booklet for The Day 2024(日本語版はこちら
Hokudai-sai Map 2024(日本語版はこちら


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