
Hokudai-sai has ended.


The Office of Hokkaido University Festival Executive Committee
Person in charge of IFF

Room of Hokudaisai Office, N204 The Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education,
Hokkaido University
North 17 West 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido

E-mail:iff☆hokudaisai.com *Replace ☆ with @.

北海道大学大学祭全学実行委員会事務局 IFF担当
北海道札幌市北区北17条西8丁目 北海道大学 高等教育推進機構 N204 北大祭事務局室

Emergency Contact

Room of Hokudai-sai Office, N204,
The Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education

E-mail : iff☆hokudaisai.com (Replace ☆ with @)

Rules for Safe Management for the 66th Hokudai-sai


Hokkaido University Festival Executive Committee

1. Introduction

 To ensure the safe and smooth operation of the 66th Hokudai-sai, the Hokkaido University Festival Executive Committee (hereinafter referred to as Hokudai-sai Committee) will take appropriate disciplinary action against any participating group which distracts the operation of the Hokudai-sai.

2. Overview

 The following five disciplinary actions will be taken against participating groups that break the rules.

  1. Warning
     When Hokudai-sai Committee, the committees of each festival, and the Hokudai-sai Staff determine that a participating group's behavior has a high possibility of distracting the safe operation of Hokudai-sai, they will give the group a warning, a guidance and encouraging improvement.
  2. Addition of the violation points
     The violation points will be given to a participating group that break the rules. The points will be given to a group whose behaviors do not improve even after the warnings are given. Besides, if the Hokudai-sai Committee, the Committees of each festival, and the Hokudai-sai Staff determine that the violation is dangerous and has to be dealt immediately, they can give the violation points without the warning. The violation points will be accumulated during the 66th Hokudai-sai, and if the points exceed a certain level, the business will be suspended either temporarily or permanently. The points will not be deducted except when the suspension is terminated. The participating groups must comply with these conditions.
  3. The request for a compensation
     The participating groups that damage the equipment or the supplies owned by Hokkaido University, each faculties, the Hokudai-sai Committee, the committees of each festival, or the Office of Hokkaido University Festival Executive Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Hokudai-sai Office) must make amends for the damage according to the documents made by the Hokudaisai Committee, the committees of each festivals, and the Hokudai-sai Office. In addition, the group that damage the equipment or the supplies, that are for safe operation of the Hokudai-sai, must make amends for the damage.
  4. The temporary suspension of the business
     In principle, the participating group whose violation points reach to 30 must suspend their business for two hours from the time of the notice. If the group receive the notice when the remaining hours of the day are less than 2 hours, the group must suspend their business for the rest of the day. If the group receive the notice in the hours of the middle of the night, they must suspend their business for two hours from the next opening time. When the group resume the business after the suspension, either the Tent Leader, the Vice Tent Leader, or the Fire and Hygiene Safety Manager must be present at the meeting with either the Hokudai-sai Committee, the committees of each festival, or the Hokudai-sai Staff. At the moment the group resuming their business after the suspension, their violation points will be 10, regardless of the points they have received before. The participating groups must comply with these conditions.
  5. The permanent suspension of the business
     The participating group whose violation points reach 50 must close their business. The group must immediately cease its operation and remove its booth from their area as soon as possible after the notice. Once the business is closed, the group will not be allowed to conduct any activities at the 66th Hokudai-sai. The participating groups must comply with these rules.

3. Flow of the notice

  1. Warning
     The Hokudai-sai Committee, the committees of the festivals, and the Hokudai-sai Staff will notify the participating groups directly.
  2. Addition of the violation points
     The Hokudai-sai Committee, the committees of each festivals, and the Hokudai-sai Staff will notify the participating groups directly when they give the violation points. Afterward, the chairperson of the Hokudai-sai Committee will request to the committees of each festival to send an email about the addition to the Tent Leader of the participating groups. The committees of each festival will respond to the request.
  3. The request for a compensation
     The Hokudai-sai Committee, the committees of each festivals, and the Hokudai-sai Staff will notify the request for a compensation directly to the participating groups, when the group damage the equipment or the supplies. The chairperson of the Hokudai-sai Committee will confirm the purpose of the compensation and payment address, and request to the committees of each festival to send an email about the content to the Tent Leader of the participating groups. The committees of each festival will respond to the request and responsible for taking care of the group.
  4. The temporary suspension of the business
     The Hokudai-sai Committee, the committees of each festival, and the Hokudai-sai Staff will directly notify to the participating groups whose total number of the violation points reaches 30, to suspend their business temporarily. Afterward, the chairperson of the Hokudai-sai Committee will directly notify or send an email to the committees of each festival and the Tent Leader of the participating groups. When the participating groups resume the business after the suspension, either the Tent Leader, the Vice Tent Leader, or the Fire and Hygiene Safety Managers must be present at the meeting with either the Hokudai-sai Committee, the committee of each festival, or the Hokudai-sai Staff.
  5. The permanent suspension of the business
     The Hokudai-sai Committee, the committees of each festival, and the Hokudai-sai Staff will notify directly to the participating groups whose total number of the violation points reaches 50, to suspend their business permanently. Afterward, the chairperson of the Hokudai-sai Committee will directly notify or send an email to the committees of each festival and the Tent Leader of the participating groups.

4. Details of the rules

 The details of the rules are described on the two pages after and thereafter.

5. Remarks

  • The violation points will be cumulative during the Hokudai-sai and be carried over to the next day.
  • Rules for Safe Management stipulated in this document are in accordance with the "the regulations set by the Hokudai-sai Committee" which stipulated in first clause of the pledge for the 66th Hokudai-sai.
  • The term "during the Hokudai-sai" in this document refers to the period from June 6th, 2024 (Thu) 06:00pm - June 10th, 2024 (Mon) 06:00am.
  • "Middle of the Night During Hokudai-sai" in this document refers to the period which is not the activity hours during the Hokudai-sai.
  • The term "outdoor" in this document refers to the outdoor participating groups.
  • The term "indoor" in this document refers to indoor participating group.
  • The term "common" in this document refers to both indoor and outdoor participating group.

6. Contact

 Hokkaido University Festival Executive Committee
 MAIL: huf☆hokudaisai.com (Replace ☆ with @)

7. Postscript

 This document is an English translation of "第66回北大祭における安全運営規則" (hereinafter referred to as 安全運営規則) written in Japanese.
 This English translation is for the convenience of reference only and DOES NOT qualify or affect the meaning and the interpretation of 安全運営規則 (Japanese version) in any way. If there is any inconsistency between 安全運営規則 and this English translation, 安全運営規則 will be the official version; thus it will prevail over this English translation and any other translation. The Hokudai-sai Committee makes NO warranty with respect to the accuracy of this translation and is NOT responsible for the mistranslation of 安全運営規則.
 Also, the numbers assigned to violations are serial numbers for convenience only in the English version.

8. Details of the rules

  • Drinking and Smoking
  • Period Section Contents Reason Punishment
    During Hokudai-sai Common Drinking alcohol (including alcohol-free beverages) on the Campus, bringing in or selling alcoholic beverages. The University has notified that alcohol is prohibited during Hokudai-sai. +50 violation points
    Smoking on the Campus. Smoking on the Campus is prohibited by the University. +50 violation points
  • Fire Safety
  • Period Section Contents Reason Punishment
    During Hokudai-sai Common Leaking a gas or a petrol. Causes fire in the area.
    * For safety, other participation groups near the area may be asked to stop using the heat equipment or the generators.
    Immediately stop using the Heat Equipment.
    +30 Violation Points
    * The suspension may be longer than 2 hours due to the condition of the spill.
    Outdoor Not follow the usage restriction for the safety of the heat equipment and the generator made by the Hokudai-sai Staff when another participation group nearby leaks the petrol. The risk of a severe fire accident is extremely high.
    * If there is a safety issues, other participation groups near the area may be asked to suspend the business.
    * The Hokudai-sai Committee and the committees of each festival are not responsible for the loss of business regarding the accidents of petrol leaking or fires.
    Immediately stop using the Heat Equipment and generator.
    +30 Violation Points
    * The suspension may be longer than 2 hours due to the condition of the spill.
    Common Gasoline is not stored in the petrol carrying can. It is required by the Article 16 of the Fire Service Act. +30 Violation Points
    The lid of the petrol carrying can is not closed. The risk of gasoline igniting and bursting into flames is extremely high. The addition of the violation points
    Storage space for the petrol carrying can is inappropriate.
    * The petrol carrying can is placed near the heat equipment, outside the tent, or exposed to direct sunlight.
    The risk of gasoline igniting and bursting into flames is high. The addition of the violation points
    Using the heat equipment that has not been applied for If an accident happens, the cause cannot be identified. The addition of the violation points
    Flammable materials set beneath the heat equipment. The risk of fire spreading from the heat equipment and causing a blaze is extremely high. The addition of the violation points
    There is no heat-resistant board wrapped in aluminum foil under the heat equipment. The risk of items under the heat equipment catching fire is very high. Explained in handouts and at the meetings. The addition of the violation points
    The heat-resistant board is not wrapped in aluminum foil. The risk of the heat-resistant board catching fire is very high. The addition of the violation points
    The heat equipment with a strong fire (that using a charcoal fire such as shichirin) is not set on the concrete blocks. The risk of items under the heat equipment catching fire is very high. Explained in the handouts and at the meetings. The addition of the violation points
    The drum code is not extended. The risk of drum cords breaking and melting due to heat is extremely high. The addition of the violation points
    The drum cord is set outside tent in bad weather conditions. It causes the shorting out of the drum cord. The addition of the violation points
    The heat equipment is not far enough away from tent screen and other objects.
    * There should be about 30cm between the equipment and the flammable product, about 100cm between the equipment and the ceiling.
    The risk of fire spreading from the heat equipment or melting due to the heat is high. The addition of the violation points
    Decorating near heat-generating equipment. The risk of fire spreading to decorations is high. The addition of the violation points
    Not enough space between the fluorescent light and the decorations. The heat from the fluorescent lamps may cause the decorations to catch fire. The addition of the violation points
    Damage or lose the Fire Extinguisher It would not be able to respond when a fire happens. A compensation (6,000 yen)
    The addition of the violation points
    The sign of the fire extinguisher placing area is not posted even though the tent is located in the designated area. People cannot confirm that fire extinguishers are installed in the appropriate locations. The addition of the violation points
    The participation group have not received the fire extinguisher though designated to receive it. If the fire extinguishers are not placed in the fire extinguisher placing area, the response in the event of a fire will be delayed. The addition of the violation points
    Unauthorized use of the power supply which is exclusively for the refrigerators. The breaker will trip if the available power is exceeded. If the breaker tripped, it would be to the detriment and inconvenience of other participants and the visitors. The addition of the violation points
    A generator is not placed outside the tent.
    * In case of bad weather, the exhaust port is facing the outside and the main unit is placed inside the tent.
    The use of generators in the tent has an extremely high risk of carbon monoxide poisoning and fire. The addition of the violation points
    * The decision whether to put the generator inside the tent will be made by the Hokudai-sai Committee and the committees of each festival.
    The generator exhaust port is pointing in the direction of other objects. Because of the high risk of melting the tent screen and other surrounding items. The addition of the violation points
    Too many burns on nets. The risk of flaming is high. The addition of the violation points
    No improvement has been made in response to the warning related to rules, regulations, and disaster prevention matters by the Hokudai-sai Staff and the firefighters. It will distract the safe operation of the Hokkaidai-sai. The addition of the violation points
  • Hygiene Safety
  • Period Section Contents Reason Punishment
    During Hokudai-sai Outdoor More than 11 people are working in the same time. For the sanitation and clean cooking area The addition of the violation points
    Common Cooking knives are used. To prevent food poisoning
    To prevent bacteria growth through the cooking knives
    The addition of the violation points
    Leaving food that will be used or served are left at a room temperature.
    * Including frozen items thawed at a room temperature.
    * The participation group can bring the ingredients 3 hours before the start of the business. (Store the food in a cooler until using the generator.)
    The risk of bacterial reproduction is extremely high. The addition of the violation points
    Foods are served unheated.
    * Except fruits * Half-cooked are also prohibited.
    To prevent food poisoning / To sterilize bacteria by heating The addition of the violation points
    Providing foods that are not on the Food Ingredients List. The risk of allergy-related problems is extremely high, and it would be difficult for the Hokudai-sai Committee to take responsibility for such problems. +30 Violation Points
    Not posting the Food Ingredients List. The risk of allergy-related problems is extremely high. The addition of the violation points
    Not posting and having the Food Ingredients List. The risk of allergy-related problems is extremely high, and it would be difficult for the Hokudai-sai Committee to take responsibility for such problems. +30 Violation Points
    None of the Tent Leader, the Vice Tent Leader and the Fire and Hygiene Safety Manager is in the area. The risk of fire and hygiene-related problems is extremely high. The addition of the violation points
    * The business will be suspended until either the Hokudai-sai. Committee or the committees of each festivals confirm with the chairperson or the vice chairperson of the Hokudai-sai Committee, that either the Tent Leader, the Vice Tent Leader, or the Fire and Hygiene Safety Manager is in the tent.
    * The decision whether the participation groups can resume the business or not is made by the Hokudai-sai Committee.
    Carrying out the processes that are not allowed to be performed in the tent, such as skewering, rounding. The processes that the Public Health Center does not permit to take place in the area are basically not allowed. The addition of the violation points
    Washing rice To prevent human hands (including those wearing rubber gloves) from touching the rice
    Use wash-free rice (Musen-mai) instead.
    The addition of the violation points
    Whipping heavy cream There is no heating process in making heavy cream.
    Use frozen whip instead of heavy cream.
    The addition of the violation points
    People who cook or serve food are not wearing the default hygiene items (aprons, bandanas, rubber or vinyl disposable gloves and disposable face masks). A sanitary cooking environment cannot be secured. The addition of the violation points
    People who cook or serve food are wearing accessories. (For example, rings, necklaces, earrings, nail polish, bracelets) It is not sanitary that accessory touches food directly or indirectly. The addition of the violation points
    There is a blind spot in the area. The Food Hygiene Check by the Hokudai-sai Staff cannot be done accurately, and there is an extremely high risk of problems related to food hygiene matters. The addition of the violation points
    Mini-washing Place is not set up. Unable to wash cooking tools or hands and leads to unsanitary environment The addition of the violation points
    Not having tools for Mini-washing Place. Unable to wash cooking tools or hands and leads to unsanitary environment The addition of the violation points
    Making a lot of meal preparation. Due to the difficulty in controlling the time that has passed since the food was produced. The addition of the violation points
    Walking around to sell food or provide sample food. It is difficult to keep track of who ate what and where, and to control the time that has passed since the food was produced. The addition of the violation points
    The cook is giving or receiving money, or the person who is responsible for giving or receiving money is cooking. It is unsanitary to make food with hands that have been touched money from customers. The addition of the violation points
    Using non-disposal tableware, and then reusing non-disposal tableware.
    * Except the group with permission
    Unsanitary tableware can be a source of pathogens and pose an extremely high risk of food poisoning. The addition of the violation points
    Food or beverages are served in the tents, but three sides of the tent are not covered with the tent screens. Because of the concerns about unsanitary conditions due to dust and garbage contamination. The addition of the violation points
    Food or beverages are served in the tents, but the tent does not have the tent screens. Because of the concerns about unsanitary conditions due to dust and garbage contamination. The addition of the violation points
    * The business will be suspended until the Hokudai-sai Committee or the committees or the festival confirm that the 3 sides of the Tent are surrounded by side curtains, with the presence of the chairperson or the vice chairperson of the Hokudai-sai Committee.
    * The decision whether the participation groups can resume the business or not is made by the Hokudai-sai Committee.
    No improvement has been made in response to the various regulations, matters, and recommendations related to food hygiene matters made by the Hokudai-sai Office and the Health Center Staff. It will distract the safe operation of the Hokkaidai-sai. The addition of the violation points
  • Middle of the Night
  • Period Section Contents Reason Punishment
    Middle of the Night During Hokudai-sai Common Causing a quarrel or quarreling Because it does not follow the purpose of the late-night equipment guard. Because it would be a nuisance to residents of the neighborhood. Report to the police
    +30 or +50 violation points
    A different person from the applicant is working for the latenight equipment guard shift. Or the number of late-night equipment guard workers exceeds the number of the applicants. If an accident is caused by a person who is not a late-night equipment guard, the cause of the accident cannot be identified. The addition of the violation points
    Dumping garbage at the garbage spot in the middle of the night during the Hokudai-sai. To ensure that the visitors can enjoy the Hokudai-sai, the Hokudai-sai Office will guide the sanitary management of garbage and the separation of garbage for environmental considerations. Therefore, dumping of trash in the middle of the night will be prohibited. If garbage is dumped without the Hokudai-sai Office’s permission, it will pollute the Campus and cause crows’ damaging. To prevent this, each participant is expected to take his / her own garbage home in the middle of the night during Hokudai-sai. Taking home the garbage
    The addition of the violation points
    The heat equipment is used in the hours of the middle of the night during Hokudai-sai. It is difficult to retain enough Hokudai-sai Staff and the firefighters to deal with a fire accident that occurs in the middle of the night, and the risk of a serious accident is extremely high. Stop using the heat equipment immediately.
    +30 Violation Points
    The generators are used in the hours of the middle of the night during Hokudai-sai. It is difficult to retain enough the Hokudai-sai Staff and the firefighters to deal with a fire accident that occurs in the middle of the night during Hokudai-sai, and the risk of a serious accident is extremely high. Stop using the generator immediately.
    +30 Violation Points
  • Traffic
  • Period Section Contents Reason Punishment
    During Hokudai-sai Common Parking the car just before the Campus not at the designated area.
    * North 18 rotary, etc.
    It would be an obstruction and inconvenience to other passengers and vehicles. Remove the vehicle immediately.
    The addition of the violation points
    Entering or attempting to enter the Campus in a vehicle with no permission. It is difficult and dangerous to deal with a vehicle without permission. Remove the vehicle immediately.
    The addition of the violation points
  • Equipment Supplies and Rental Equipment
  • Period Section Contents Reason Punishment
    During Hokudai-sai Common Using the equipment and the supplies owned by the rental agency, the University, or the Hokudai-sai Office roughly or in a wrong way. Rental items: desks, chairs, blackout curtains, tools (including equipment and supplies fixed in the classroom), are not the property of the participating groups. The addition of the violation points
    Damaging the equipment or the supplies owned by the rental agency, the University, or the Hokudai-sai Office. Rental items: desks, chairs, blackout curtains, tools (including equipment and supplies fixed in the classroom), are not the property of the participating groups. The addition of the violation points
    Pay back in full. / Report to the agency of the damages.
    Stealing the equipment or the supplies owned by the rental agency, the University, or the Hokudai-sai Office. Due to the act is prohibited by the law. The Hokudai-sai Office will deal with any act such as moving the equipment or the supplies to another location without the permission of the Hokudai-sai Office strictly. Report to the police.
    The addition of the violation points
    Using propane gas that is not bought through the University CO-OP. According to the "Pledge" and the "Confirmation Items for Fire and Hygiene Safety". +50 Violation Points
  • Flyers
  • Period Section Contents Reason Punishment
    During Hokudai-sai Common Distribution of the flyers outside the designated areas.
    * The designated area is shown below.
    Causing an increase in garbage, and contamination of the Campus. They may distract the flow of people in crowded areas. If the flyers fly into a booth with the heat equipment, they may cause a fire to break out. The addition of the violation points
  • Sink
  • Period Section Contents Reason Punishment
    During Hokudai-sai Common Not using the sink properly. It would be detriment and inconvenience to other participants, visitors, and the University if the water line breakdown or stuck.
    * If the water supply-works is necessary, there is a possibility that. the participant groups accused of complicity in the damage by the Hokudai-sai Committee or the committees of each festivals, pay for the damage partially.
    The addition of the violation points
  • Area
  • Period Section Contents Reason Punishment
    During Hokudai-sai Common Either the Participation License or the Section License is not posted. Either of them is required to be posted so that the official participating groups can be distinguished from fraudulent groups. The addition of the violation points
    Business is expanding outside of the area.
    * Including publicity for the event outside of the area
    Due to the detriment or inconvenience of other participants or the visitors The addition of the violation points
    Outdoor Parking a bicycle behind the tent Causes accidents and injuries The addition of the violation points
  • Solicitation Activities and Nuisance Activities
  • Period Section Contents Reason Punishment
    During Hokudai-sai Common Any activity that is or is suspected of being offensive to the public order and morals, soliciting others forcibly, and being harmful for the participants and the visitors. The University has imposed that the conditions to participate in the Hokudai-sai is to follow the rules and not conduct these activities which are forbidden by the University. Report to the police
    +30 Violation Points
    Causing a quarrel or quarreling with other participants. Causing distraction of the safe operation of the Hokudai-sai. +30 Violation Points
  • Indoor
  • Period Section Contents Reason Punishment
    During Hokudai-sai Indoor The door is stuck. Due to the inability to respond to emergencies The addition of the violation points
    The emergency exit marks, the emergency lights, and the fire extinguishers are hidden and difficult to find. Due to the inability to respond to emergencies The addition of the violation points
    Using the heat equipment The risk of flaming is supremely high. +50 Violation Points
    Damaging the facilities of buildings The classrooms and rooms that are rented for the participants are not belong to the participants. +30 Violation Points
    * There may be compensation due to the damage of the facilities.
    Violating the terms which the participant group has agreed in advance such as the Pledge. Lending is done under the condition that the participant group obeys the rules. The Hokusai-sai Committee judges the number of the violation points.
  • Standing Sign
  • Period Section Contents Reason Punishment
    During Hokudai-sai Common The standing sign is not secured in a safe way. A standing sign can be dangerous for the visitors when it falls. The addition of the violation points
  • Garbage
  • Period Section Contents Reason Punishment
    During Hokudai-sai Common Dumping garbage from the participation groups in an undesignated area. The participation group that bears the cost of waste disposal is determined by the collection areas. Please read the handouts carefully and make sure to dispose of your garbage in the designated areas. The participation groups must carry the garbage to the specified spot.
    The addition of the violation points
  • Others
  • Period Section Contents Reason Punishment
    During Hokudai-sai Common Resuming the business during the suspension before the Hokudai-sai Committee, the committees of each festival, and the Hokudai-sai Office gives the permission. The continuation of the safe and smooth operation of the Hokudai-sai is threatened. The addition of the violation points
    Not stopping the business or cleaning up the tent after it is suspended permanently. The continuation of the safe and smooth operation of the Hokudai-sai is threatened. Either the chairperson or the vice chairperson of the Hokudai-sai Committee is present until all the work is completed.
    Even if it is not stated in the rules, regulations, and the Pledge, the Hokudai-sai Committee judges that the situation has an extremely high risk of a serious accident and it has to be dealt with immediately. The continuation of the safe and smooth operation of the Hokudai-sai is threatened. The Hokudai-sai Committee will decide the number of the violation points.
the designated area

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