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How to Build Tent
* When you lift each pillar, be careful not to pinch your hands.
* The way to build the tent may vary depending on the tent you receive. Please note that.
Ⅰ. How to Build 4 Pillars Tent
The following 5 types of iron frames are included (sometimes 6 types).
Check if they are all there.
➀Pillars (4 pieces)
* The pillars may be divided into upper and lower parts.
➁Shorter Beams (2 pieces)
➂Longer Beams (2 pieces)
➃Connecting Parts (4 pieces) (roof parts)
➄Ridge (1 piece) (roof parts)
Put the iron frames.
Set up the iron frames as shown in the figure. First, use 4 beams (➁・➂) to make a rectangle.
Then, set up the pillars (➀) at the four corners.
Set up the iron frames.
Insert the beams (➁・➂) into the right and left holes of the pillars (➀), and set up the base.
Set up the roof part first, and insert the connecting parts (➃) into the outermost holes of the pillars (➀).
Set up the diagonal braces.
Cover the tent with the canopy.
Build the tent by lifting each pillar.
Ⅱ. How to Build 6 Pillars Tent
The following 5 types of iron frames are included (sometimes 6 types).
Please check if the following parts are included.
➀Corner Pillars (4 pieces) (The top of the pillar has 3 holes)
➁Center Pillars (2 pieces) (The top of the pillar has 4 holes)
* The corner and center pillars have 3 or 4 holes at the top.
➂Longer Beams (3 pieces)
➃Shorter Beams (4 pieces)
➄Connecting Parts (6 pieces) (roof parts)
➅Ridge (1 piece) (roof parts)
* The ridge may be a 3-fold or a combination of 2-fold.
Place the iron frames.
Set up the iron frames as shown in the figure.
First, use 6 beams (➁・➂) to make a rectangle.
Then, set up the corner pillars (➀) at the four corners and the center pillars (➁) in the center.
Set up the iron frames.
Insert the beams (➂・➃) into the right and left holes of the pillars (➀・➁), and set up the base.
First, set up the roof part, and insert the connecting parts (➄) into the outermost holes of the pillars (➀・➁).
Set up the diagonal braces.
Cover the tent with the canopy.
Build the tent by lifting each pillar.
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