
Hokudai-sai has ended.


The Office of Hokkaido University Festival Executive Committee
Person in charge of IFF

Room of Hokudaisai Office, N204 The Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education,
Hokkaido University
North 17 West 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido

E-mail:iff☆hokudaisai.com *Replace ☆ with @.

北海道大学大学祭全学実行委員会事務局 IFF担当
北海道札幌市北区北17条西8丁目 北海道大学 高等教育推進機構 N204 北大祭事務局室

Emergency Contact

Room of Hokudai-sai Office, N204,
The Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education

E-mail : iff☆hokudaisai.com (Replace ☆ with @)

How to Build Tent


* When you lift each pillar, be careful not to pinch your hands.
* The way to build the tent may vary depending on the tent you receive. Please note that.

Ⅰ. How to Build 4 Pillars Tent

  1. The following 5 types of iron frames are included (sometimes 6 types).
    Check if they are all there.
    ➀Pillars (4 pieces)
    * The pillars may be divided into upper and lower parts.
    ➁Shorter Beams (2 pieces)
    ➂Longer Beams (2 pieces)
    ➃Connecting Parts (4 pieces) (roof parts)
    ➄Ridge (1 piece) (roof parts)

  2. Put the iron frames.
    Set up the iron frames as shown in the figure. First, use 4 beams (➁・➂) to make a rectangle.
    Then, set up the pillars (➀) at the four corners.

  3. Set up the iron frames.
    Insert the beams (➁・➂) into the right and left holes of the pillars (➀), and set up the base.
    Set up the roof part first, and insert the connecting parts (➃) into the outermost holes of the pillars (➀).

  4. Set up the diagonal braces.

  5. Cover the tent with the canopy.

  6. Build the tent by lifting each pillar.

Ⅱ. How to Build 6 Pillars Tent

  1. The following 5 types of iron frames are included (sometimes 6 types).
    Please check if the following parts are included.
    ➀Corner Pillars (4 pieces) (The top of the pillar has 3 holes)
    ➁Center Pillars (2 pieces) (The top of the pillar has 4 holes)
    * The corner and center pillars have 3 or 4 holes at the top.
    ➂Longer Beams (3 pieces)
    ➃Shorter Beams (4 pieces)
    ➄Connecting Parts (6 pieces) (roof parts)
    ➅Ridge (1 piece) (roof parts)
    * The ridge may be a 3-fold or a combination of 2-fold.

  2. Place the iron frames.
    Set up the iron frames as shown in the figure.
    First, use 6 beams (➁・➂) to make a rectangle.
    Then, set up the corner pillars (➀) at the four corners and the center pillars (➁) in the center.

  3. Set up the iron frames.
    Insert the beams (➂・➃) into the right and left holes of the pillars (➀・➁), and set up the base.
    First, set up the roof part, and insert the connecting parts (➄) into the outermost holes of the pillars (➀・➁).

  4. Set up the diagonal braces.

  5. Cover the tent with the canopy.

  6. Build the tent by lifting each pillar.


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