
Hokudai-sai has ended.


The Office of Hokkaido University Festival Executive Committee
Person in charge of IFF

N305 The Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education,
Hokkaido University
North 17 West 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido

E-mail:iff☆hokudaisai.com *Replace ☆ with @.

北海道大学大学祭全学実行委員会事務局 IFF担当
北海道札幌市北区北17条西8丁目 北海道大学 高等教育推進機構 N204 北大祭事務局室

Emergency Contact

Room of Hokudai-sai Office, N204,
The Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education

E-mail : iff☆hokudaisai.com (Replace ☆ with @)

Rental Equipment


◇If You Order Rental Equipment from University CO-OP

●Tents, Side Screens, Tent Weights, Tables, and Chairs

Hours June 6th (Thu) 18:00~22:00
Place IFF Block
What to Bring The Rental Equipment Order Form (Please keep it in case there are mistakes in distribution although you need not to show it to the staff.)
  • Please carry your Rental Equipment to your Tent by yourselves after you receive the check from the Hokudai-sai Staff. Generators will be distributed to each Tent.
  • Please come with enough people (around 8~10 people are desirable) to carry it all at once.
  • The Petrol Carrying Can will be distributed at June 7th (Fri).
  • Leave at least one person in your Tent area to surely receive your rental equipment.
  • Between 18:00 and 22:00 of the Day Before Hokudai-sai (June 6th (Thu)), the trucks and forklifts of the rental company will run through the Main Street. For your safety, it is prohibited to use cars and bicycles on the Main Street during this period. Please follow the following rules for your safety:
    • Although it is in front of your Tent, please do not go on the road. Please use the sidewalk when moving.
    • DO NOT use bicycle on the Main Street. In the past, there was an accident that a forklift and a bicycle almost collided. Riding a bicycle on the Main Street during this time may lead to a serious accident.

●Other Rental Equipment

Hours June 7th (Fri) 7:00~8:00
Place In front of the main entrance of the Institute for Advancement of Higher Education
What to Bring The Rental Equipment Order Form
  • Please come with enough people (around 2~3 people are desirable) to carry them to your Tent area all at once. (Please follow the instructions of the Hokudai-sai Staff there.)
  • Receive at the specified time above because the stage construction will start at the same place after the distribution time.
  • We also distribute the Petrol Carrying Can for a generator. If you have ordered a generator, please come to receive the container even if you have nothing else to receive on the day.
  • You can borrow the green carts to carry your equipment, but these carts are not rental equipments and the number of them are limited. Please bring it back to the main entrance of the Institute for Advancement of Higher Education as soon as possible. Also, You CANNOT use except for bringing Rental Equipment.
  • You cannot use cars in front of the Institute for Advancement of Higher Education to receive Rental Equipment.
  • Be careful NOT to drop or break Rental Equipment.
  • If you do not come to receive Rental Equipment on time, we may contact you by phone. If you won't be able to come, please e-mail "iff☆hokudaisai.com" (Replace ☆ with @) beforehand.
  • If you break Rental Equipment, you must make compensation.

●Propane Gas

Hours June 7th (Fri) 7:00~8:00
Place In front of the main entrance of the Institute for Advancement of Higher Education
What to Bring The blue bill of propane gas and LP Gas Delivery Note
  • It is prohibited by the law to connect propane gas with gas equipment without a special license. Make sure to ask the company to do it.
  • Do not lend the equipment that you have rented through the University CO-OP to anyone else since all the propane gas is managed by the number on the cylinder and your Tent Name. If we find that you lend your gas to someone else, you cannot use the gas anymore, even next year.
  • You need to prepare a fire source (a lighter) for the gas equipment that you use with propane gas, by yourself.

If You Do Not Know How to Use Rental Equipment

 If you do not know how to use the rental equipment, please check Rental Equipment Explanation Video. In the video, you can check how to use the generator, fryer, cast iron stove, and yakitori grill. The video is uploaded here.

* Please note that the operation method may differ from the type of equipment you have.

 If you use up your propane gas, you can refill it at the Gas Company Tent in front of the gym. (It requires 5,500 yen in cash per one gas cylinder.) Please note that the possible hours of refill is different from opening hours of the Rental Company Tent. Please clean the empty gas cylinder before you bring it to the Gas Company Tent.

Hours June 7th (Fri) 12:00~20:00
June 8th (Sat) 9:30~20:00
June 9th (Sun) 9:30~16:00
Place Gas Company Tent (in front of the gym)
What to Bring The blue bill of propane gas, Cylinder, Money
Cost 5,500 yen per one gas cylinder
  • You cannot borrow gas cylinders if you did not order before Hokudai-sai.
  • Please clean the empty gas cylinder.
  • Please come to the white Tent in front of the main entrance of the Institute for Advancement of Higher Education if you want to refill Propane Gas after 16:00 on June 9th (Sun).
  • Although the gas cylinder for Hokudai-sai is 5 kg, you may be lent an 8 kg gas cylinder if the 5 kg gas cylinder is out of stock. The cost is the same in both cases.
  • You CANNOT use the propane gas that you not bought via the University CO-OP.
  • Fasten the junction tightly with a hose band and so on.
  • Please confirm there is no deterioration on the hose before you use it.
  • Place the gas cylinder in a ventilated place and do not expose it to the sunlight.
  • Fix the gas cylinder firmly so that it will not fall down.
  • Do not place the gas cylinder near Heat Equipment.

◇Rental Company Tent

 If you need any help about rental equipment during Hokudai-sai, please come to the Rental Company Tent. It would be better to take someone who can speak Japanese.

Hours June 7th (Fri) 12:00~21:00
June 8th (Sat) 10:00~21:00
June 9th (Sun) 10:00~12:00
Place In front of the gym / In front of the Central Cafeteria
  • If you have troubles when the Rental Company Tent is closed, please ask the Hokudai-sai Staff for help.
  • The Rental Company cannot help you with the rental equipment you did not order through University CO-OP.

 About propane gas, please come to the Gas Company Tent in front of the gym.

◇If You Break the Rental Equipment

 If you break your Rental Equipment or you have it stolen, you are required to pay money. In this case, your Tent Leader will receive a phone call from University CO-OP after Hokudai-sai. Please follow their instructions and pay the money at the Travel Center in the North Cafeteria 2nd floor. For an expensive payment (more than 5,000 yen), the insurance that the Hokudai-sai Office takes out may be applied. Please do not forget to take a photograph of the situation when you broke the rental equipment then and there.
 If you want to know more about the response when you need to compensate for the rental equipment, please contact the Hokudai-sai Office.

 When you finish the return and withdrawal of your Tent area, please leave the area promptly.

◇If You Order Rental Equipment from University CO-OP

●Propane Gas・Hose

Hours June 9th (Sun) 17:00~
How to Return Return in front of the main entrance of the Institute of Advancement of Higher Education (the same place as you receive the propane gas)

* The hose and the gas equipment can be separated. Please pull strongly to separate them.

●Other Rental Equipment

Hours June 9th (Sun) 17:00~
How to Return Collected by the Rental Company at each Tent area
  • Please put all of your Rental Equipment at your Tent.
  • There is a check to make sure that all the rental equipment is there. Please leave at least one person waiting at the Tent area until the check is finished.
  • The Rental Company will collect the equipment using cars on the Main Street like the distribution. Please do not use cars or especially bicycles on the Main Street.
  • Please DO NOT wash the rental equipment, to prevent breaking or scraping. However, please throw away all garbage inside of the rental equipment (e.g. refrigerator).
  • Please leave the leftover gasoline inside the generator or in the Petrol Carrying Can, and DO NOT spill it on the road, or drain it down the sink.
  • Every year, some people mistakenly return their own equipment with other rental equipment. Make sure not to mix them.

 All the things written above are for the case when you rent equipment from the University CO-OP. In other cases, do everything (from receiving to return) by yourself.

 If you use cars to carry your rental equipment, do so 8:00~11:30 on June 7th (Fri).

 You cannot carry it by car on June 6th (Thu).


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